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Honest Opinions

The digitec¹ community campaign shows real product ratings by real customers. Humorous, honest and sometimes moving customer opinions form their community platform, a space for users to inform themselves and others about the products digitec offers. By showing raw and often negative reviews, digitec disrupts the status quo of the perfect illusion often portrayed in advertisement. Their posters and commercials make viewers smile, shake their heads, reflect, and stay memorable through their genuine approach.

¹ Brand Guidelines dictate that digitec must always be in lowercase letters.
Realized at Digitec Galaxus AG, 2018–2019
Type: Crossmedia Campaign
Role: Art Direction & Graphic Production
ADC Switzerland 2020 – Bronce (Category Commercials)
Swiss Poster Award 2019 – Nomination (Category National)


Digital Billboards

«Great, extraordinary, fantastic little Cozmo! As soon as he woke up, my children adopted him.»
«Until today I haven't found out how to set the time.»
«Fullfeels my wishes»

Commercials I

The screen extention of the print based campaign shows the community platform as a cyberspace, in which users review and discuss their products.

Online Banners

Being talked at without sound or subtitles creates interest through irritation and an urge to enable the sound. Above all, it draws attention in an environment where the viewer is conditioned to ignore all advertisement.

Interactive live-feed banner showing current community interactions from the online store.

Social Media

Analytics show that most people watch social media videos with the sound turned off. Instead of simply adding subtitles to the videos, we embraced this restriction and produced short, non-spoken versions of the clips. The resulting videos are more engaging to viewers and still carry a basic version of the review. Who reads subtitles in advertisements anyway?

Commercials II

The fall 2019 reinterpretation puts the spotlight back on the products. Only the voice of the reviewer can be heard, as the products come to life and react to their rating.


© 2021 Miriam Brack

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